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Behind The Track
The inspiration for my first single release, “Tribute,” came at the height of the pandemic, while I, myself, was battling COVID-19. I struggled to find any inspiration until I heard the 7 PM clap in New York City for the first time outside my apartment. It’s hard not to get emotional when I hear or talk about this song, given everything that’s happened over the past year.
It’s a song about hope and that light at the end of the tunnel we’re all searching for; friends or family members we long to be acquainted with, and the people that are struggling to make ends meet, and survive when all hope seems to be lost. It’s not your typical dance track and leans more on the experimental/cinematic & somewhat melodic house side.
The Go Fund Me page is dedicated to Front Line Workers and I chose Feed The Children Inc as the cause for the fundraiser as a single father who understands the importance of having a healthy son. https://www.gofundme.com/f/feeding-hungry-children-together
I decided to release Tribute on my birthday and the beginning of the New Year because it’s symbolic of a new start and the hope that follows.